“Painting & Mixed Media”
with instructor Sharon DePauw
These are on-going classes. Please register online and a staff member will contact you.
Fridays: 9:00 AM to NOON (classes begin Jan. 10, 2025)
Tuition: $20.00 Member; $25.00 Non-Member
Class tuition is collected at the beginning of each class by the instructor and payment may be made by cash, check or credit card to the Art League of Daytona Beach. Payment by credit card will incur a 3% service fee.
Class Description: Lots of techniques, exploring new ideas and methods of painting and mixed media. Make art, make friends, we do what we love and it shows in our work. Add your special views in the art you create.
Supplies are included.
For additional questions please contact instructor Sharon DePauw at sd318@icloud.com
Sharon DePauw - BIO
California Artist & Graphic Designer- 1982-2018
Big Island of Hawai’i Gallery Artist (Porcelain Painted China) 2018-2021
New Smyrna Beach- Gallery Artist & Teacher- 2021- present
For many years I have entered shows, won numerous awards for painting, sculpture, and mixed media, most recent- Jan 2024 Daytona 2nd place.
Member: Daytona Art League, The Hub on Canal Street, and Artist Workshop.
I believe in supporting our local communities, art teachers, and students with fresh ideas, and valuable information. That is why I regularly take a variety of local classes!
As a teacher, I enjoy sharing and encouraging all my students. It so important to fully appreciate every artist/student’s work as unique expressions of the gift they are here to share.
Please join me and let's create together in a beautiful studio, with music, snacks, art supplies and fun…..let's enjoy the art of being creative.