Membership - Art League of Daytona Beach

Become A Member

Purchasing an Annual Membership is one of the most popular and affordable ways to support the ALODB in its mission “To encourage and promote the creation and appreciation of art”, by offering artists, of all skill levels, opportunities through education, exhibition, outreach, and fellowship.

Memberships are valid January through December

Available Membership Levels:

Individual membership – $40.00 per year

Family membership – $50.00 per year

Lifetime membership – $375.00 one time

The reduced membership fee only applies to new members who join August 1st-December 31st. Existing members pay the full price.

Membership Benefits Include:

  • Eligibility to enter members only judged exhibits, including the “Members Annual Exhibit” in January and the “Members Showcase” in October.

  • Reduced entry fees for all other judged shows open to the public.

  • Reduced tuition for Classes and Workshops

  • Free link from the Art League of Daytona Beach website (Members Gallery page) to your website  (for instructions click here)

  • Advance Notice for Lecture Programs and Demonstrations

  • Invitations to social activities sponsored by the ALODB


To pay your membership dues by mail, click here for the membership renewal application. Mail registration form and a check made payable to the Art League of Daytona Beach to: the Art League of Daytona Beach, 433 South Palmetto Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114.

After adding items to the Cart make payment by clicking on the shopping cart at the top of the website page.